#5 SaaS Bootstrappers News & Insights

Bootstrappers & VC Funding Game, Updates, Articles

Welcome to our weekly issue where I will share the news that you don’t want to miss about SaaS bootstrappers.

For those who missed our Sunday issue, here is the link.

Before sharing the links, I would like to give some details about how the SaaS Bootstrappers newsletter is going:

  • We have 203 subscribers at the moment. 🤗

  • Indie Hackers shared our interview with Lukas Hermann on the headline.


  • I have been using Beehiiv as an email provider and following his founder - Tyler Denk - both from Twitter and blog. He shares company update articles occasionally and one thing grabs my attention in the last one. As you see in the screenshot below, he was opposed to VC-funding but changed his mind later on and started to talk with VCs.

    Here is the article for more details.

  • Another story related to this comes from Greg Head’s post. He shared how a bootstrapped company was funded by VC and in the end, it was a successful exit for the founders. Here is the link to the post.

After the interviews I had, I started to notice that VC companies can also try to deal with bootstrapped companies in their early stages. VC companies are not only focusing on companies in the idea stage.


Rox has been working for a famous YouTuber - MrBeast - and he is also the creator of ThumbnailTest.com.

With his tool, he reached $10K MRR and he shared his story with a thread.

It took him 507 days to reach that amount and he shared the best practices for him under the thread.

Subscribe to our newsletter to;

  • Receive weekly interviews with saas bootstrapped founders,

  • 5 weekly news that you don’t want to miss about bootstrapping.


  • James Fleischmann from Indie Hackers shared an article including the unpopular opinions of successful indie hackers. Some of the subject lines are:

    • Perceived value > Actual Value

    • You don’t need a new idea

    • You don’t need an audience

    • Small teams > big teams

    • Enjoyment > skill

I was looking for a subject line about energy, financial situation, or allocated time but couldn’t find one. I believe in order to build something, you should have at least two of those. Otherwise, it’s much more challenging.


  • I didn’t get a chance to check Arvid Kahl’s video with the founder of Indie Hackers - Channing Allen - but it’s on my list. You can watch it from here.

  • Nathan Latka shared this post two months ago and emphasized the real story behind most of the exits you see on TechCrunch. I totally recommend you to read if you want to have a different approach to bootstrapped businesses.

See you on Sunday for the interview of Ivan Kutskir, who is the founder of Photopea generating $200K in monthly revenue from ads after 10 years of bootstrapping and he is still.

Thanks again for reading the interview and don’t forget to share this issue if you want your friends to read.

And follow me on LinkedIn or Twitter to get the latest news and trends about SaaS bootstrappers.


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